马修 本名吴海针, # 一人一推 多年来以“马修”网名在民间倡导“三民主义”,建立“三民主义交流网”、“三民主义健中国研习会”;落实宪法公民权利,把权力关进笼子,反对既得利益集团。倡议两岸和平对话,曾给台湾国民党主席马英九写信,主张以三民主义统一中国。目前被关押在郑州市第三看守所,需代理律师 Maxiu really name Wu Hai zheng # One person one post , for many years, "Maxiu " net name is Wu Hai zheng, promotion of ’Three people-oriented’ establish "Three people-oriented's Exchange Network", "Three people-oriented's Mission in China Search organization "; Implementing the Constitution Civil Rights, ‘Put Power into Cage’ and oppose the vested interest group. The two sides of the peace conversation have been initiated to write a letter to the Taiwan Kuomintang Chairman Ma Yingzhi, advocating the unity of three people-mism. It is currently detained in Zhengzhou Third Detention Center and needs a lawyer. 冯勇军 # 一人一推 1973 年 3 月 27 日生,四川省绵阳人,实名举报人,人称“锦旗哥”。因污染问题寻求行政诉讼未果,给环保局和三台县百顷镇党委政府各送一面“不作为”锦旗,遂被刑拘,释放后,先后 10 投诉维权而被抓,批捕。目前被羁押于成都市新都区看守所(四川成都新都区鸿运大道西端 800 号,邮编 610500 ) Feng Yongjun # One person pushe...